Georgia v. Jeffery Williams (aka Young Thug)

Hello Loyal Listeners, In Summation returns with a thorough explanation of one of the most truly absurd cases to take place in recent memory.  Rapper/Hip Hop artist Young Thug...

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United States v. Donald Trump (The FEDERAL Election Interference Case)

At this point, it's become difficult to keep track of all the different places that former (and possibly future) President Donald Trump has been indicted.  To recap: he has...

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Michigan v. Jennifer Crumbley (Prosecuting the Parents of a Killer)

Hello everyone, I've missed you. Due to a confluence of factors which I won't waste time or energy going into here, we had a slightly longer hiatus than I...

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Idaho v. Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik

Welcome Back Listeners! In this episode of In Summation, Paul discusses a horror movie turned real life.  Inspired by the 1996 horror classic, Scream, Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik...

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United States v. Lori Loughlin, et al. (Varsity Blues Scandal)

Remember Full House?  Remember how wholesome and family-friendly it was?  Remember Aunt Becky?  She was married to Uncle Jesse.  She was part of that wave of television which instilled...

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California v. Calvin Broadus (Snoop Doggy Dogg)

The 1990's were filled with high profile criminal trials for some of the most famous entertainers in the world.  Michael Jackson and OJ Simpson headlined a list of extremely...

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Illinois v. August Spies, Albert Parsons, et al. (The Haymarket 8)

Hello again friends and family, Bucking a recent trend of recent cases, today we head back roughly 140 years to Chicago in the 1880s.  This is another case where...

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Florida v. Jamell Demons (YNW Melly)

Greetings friends of In Summation – The Final Word. Today's episode explores the unusual trial of Jamell Demons, aka YNW Melly, who was charged with the double murder of...

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Wisconsin v. Mark Jensen

Welcome back one and all.  In this installment of In Summation – The Final Word, Paul breaks down one of the elements of the 6th Amendment confrontation clause.  Generally...

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Neil Heslin & Scarlet Lewis v. Alex Jones (Defamation)

Greetings and welcome back to In Summation – The Final Word.  In this episode, Paul explores one of the select carve outs to the 1st Amendment's guarantee to free...

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Roe v. Wade & Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization

The long hiatus is over.  Paul's trial in upstate New York is over and there are many cases to discuss on the horizon.  For the grand return after an...

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Virginia v. John Brown (Slavery on Trial)

Greetings one and all!  Thank you so much to the fans and supporters of this fine program as we hit the milestone 50th episode.  Paul cannot thank you enough...

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South Carolina v. Alex Murdaugh

This episode needs very little introduction.  The trial of Alex Murdaugh in the South Carolina Lowcountry was a national phenomenon.  All major news outlets covered the story and the...

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United States v. Philip Esformes

What is “fraud?”  How does it work?  What are the recourses of someone who has been defrauded?  Is fraud always criminal? In today's episode, Paul dives into healthcare fraud. ...

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Wisconsin v. Darrell Brooks

Friend of the show Adam Uris returns to discuss the Waukesha, Wisconsin Christmas Parade Tragedy and ensuing prosecution of Darrell Brooks, the man who drove his red Ford Escape...

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New York v. Lenny Bruce

In the 1950's and 60's, Lenny Bruce was a transformative figure in the world of comedy.  He was hip, brash, unfiltered, and…obscene?  His biting social commentary made some people...

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A lot of listeners have asked In Summation to publish an episode on impeachment.  Paul thought it only fitting that episode 45 be the one to cover impeachment seeing...

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Florida v. Nikolas Cruz (Marjorie Stoneman Douglas School Shooter)

Does the death penalty work?  Does the threat of the death penalty work?  Is it a deterrent to murder or other serious crimes?  When and how does a person...

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Maryland v. Keith Davis, Jr.

This is a unique episode for a number of reasons. First, this is the first case Paul has covered which is technically still ongoing.  There is hope that it...

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New York v. Robert Chambers (The Preppy Murder)

Special Guest Adam Uris is back!  In this episode, Adam and Paul discuss The Preppy Murder, one of the most notorious trials in American history. In 1986 the body...

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United States v. Michael Avenatti

No matter how successful someone becomes, there is always the chance of flying a little too close to the sun and having the heat melt the wax holding your...

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Kennedy v. Bremerton

Hello Listeners, In this installment of In Summation, Paul brings on special guest host Andrew Heaton of the Political Orphanage podcast to discuss the recent Supreme Court decision in...

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Merle Denezpi v. United States (Double Jeopardy)

In Summation is back!!!!  After a lengthy hiatus caused by a complex murder trial in New York we have finally returned to provide you with more insights into current...

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United States v. Eugene Debs

Sometimes, when we fulfill our commitment to abiding by the bill of rights, it means we end up protecting the rights of people to say or do things that...

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United States v. Robert Kelly (R. Kelly)

Special Guest Episode! In this episode, Paul brings on seasoned sex crimes prosecutor and dynamic defense attorney (and wife) Sarena Townsend to discuss the RICO prosecution of R&B superstar...

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Kentucky v. Brett Hankison (Breonna Taylor Raid)

Welcome back, friends of the show.  In this episode, we look at the Breonna Taylor raid in Jefferson County, Kentucky.  We are NOT examining the officer who fired the...

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Florida v. Tommie Lee Andrews (First DNA Case in United States)

Hello friends of the show! This episode comes as a recommendation from my wife, Sarena, who thought it would be interesting to take a look at the first case...

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Massachusetts v. Michelle Carter

In this episode, we look at whether words can kill someone in a very literal sense.  17 year old Michelle Carter encouraged her 18 year old boyfriend, Conrad Roy,...

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Miranda V. Arizona

Virtually  every adult in the United States is familiar with their Miranda rights.  Our culture is obsessed with crime, we love movies and television shows about law enforcement and shady...

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United States v. Ghislaine Maxwell

WE ARE BACK!!!!! Apologies to all for the delay in episode publishing, I was on trial in federal court in a complex white-collar fraud and narcotics case.    But...

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Wisconsin v. Rittenhouse & Georgia v. McMichael

Recently, two very significant verdicts came down in trials that captured national attention. First, Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with multiple counts of murder for killing two people (and seriously...

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United States v. Timothy McVeigh

The bombing of the Alfred Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was a watershed event of the mid 1990s.  It put an end to a national feeling of optimism...

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California v. Robert Durst

Hi listeners, so many people have reached out regarding the Korematsu episode commenting about how much they enjoyed having a co-host on to discuss the episode that we've done it...

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United States v. Griselda Blanco

We typically think of Central and South American cartel leaders as men.  We're familiar with such infamous characters as El Chapo, Pablo Escobar, and more recently, El Mencho.  But...

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Pennsylvania v. Bill Cosby

In 2018 Bill Cosby was convicted of sexual assault for drugging and molesting Andrea Constand in 2004.  In the summer of 2021, the Pennsylvania Court of Appeals not only...

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United States v. John Gotti

Hello friends of the show! One my earliest and most consistent listeners, Yossi, has asked for a show on organized crime.  So naturally I dropped all the research I...

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California v. Sirhan Sirhan

Political assassinations are an unfortunately  frequent occurrence in American history.  Fanatics and ideologues have felt compelled to kill public servants based on what they believed was required by their...

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United States v. Alfonso Lopez (Gun Free School Zone Act)

Listener Feedback Episode! In this episode, Paul responds to a request from a listener who requested an analysis of a commerce clause case.  After giving the idea some thought,...

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USA v. Steven Donziger (part 2)

If you are new to the program, please go listen to Episode 11 before playing this one.  This is Part 2 of the saga of Steven Donziger. For those...

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Florida v. Ted Bundy

America has a fascination with serial killers, and Ted Bundy is perhaps the most famous in American history.  Before his execution, he confessed to the murder of 30 women,...

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United States v. Fred Korematsu

Listeners and followers of the show, I have heard your repeated attempts to spice up the In Summation library by bringing on a co-host to discuss legal issues and...

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Massachusetts v. Aaron Hernandez

Aaron Hernandez had a difficult upbringing.  He has a strained family life combined with losing his father at an early age which set him on a path of rebellion. ...

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California v. Scott Peterson

Scott Peterson met Laci Rocha in 1994 while Peterson was working in the Pacific Cafe in Morro Bay, California.  They began dating and were married in 1997.  To the...

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United States v. Jeffrey Skilling (Enron Corp.)

By the middle of the year 2000, the Enron corporation was a giant in the energy industry.  The stock price was a whopping $90.56 per share, Forbes magazine had...

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New York v. Max Blanck and Isaac Harris (Triangle Shirtwaist Co. Fire)

In the wake of the highly public Derek Chauvin trial, people seem to be curious about the guilty verdicts of both murder and manslaughter.  How are they different and...

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California v. Charles Manson

Charles Manson needs no introduction.  He has become a boogeyman figure in American culture.  Virtually everyone is aware of the brutal murders committed by the Manson “family.”  People recall...

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California v. Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson has been undeniably influential in the entertainment industry since he was eight years old.  The King of Pop has wowed millions with his singing and dancing and...

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California v. Stacey Koon, Laurence Powell, Theodore Briseno & Timothy Wind (Rodney King Beating)

Around 30 years ago, on March 2, 1991, Rodney King spent the evening drinking and watching basketball with some friends.  A little after midnight, he got into his car...

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North Carolina v. David Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann (Duke Lacrosse Rape Case)

On March 13, 2006, Crystal Magnum and Kim Mera Roberts were hired by the Duke University Lacrosse team as strippers for a party over spring break.  After the party,...

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United States v. Ross Ulbricht (Silk Road and the Dread Pirate Roberts)

I suspect you are not familiar with the name Ross Ulbricht.  But chances are you have heard of his alias, the Dread Pirate Roberts.  The Government claimed that Ulbricht...

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United States v. Steven Donziger

Who is Steven Donziger?  Chances are you've never heard of him.  He may be a brave human rights activist or perhaps an exceptionally talented con man.  One thing is...

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United States v. Sheldon Silver

There is something about political corruption which is especially jarring to the common citizen.  We expect our elected officials to pursue their constituents' interests and to work to improve...

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California v. Phil Spector

Phil Spector held enormous influence over the music industry for decades.  He produced some of the most widely recognizable songs from the most widely recognizable artists.  But underneath the...

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New York v. Chanel Lewis (Howard Beach Jogger)

On August 2, 2016 Queens native Karina Vetrano went out jogging and never came home.  That night, her body was found and the Howard Beach Jogger murder became a...

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Michigan v. Dr. Jack Kevorkian (Dr. Death)

In the 1990s Dr. Murad Jacob Kevorkian assisted approximately 130 people commit suicide in Michigan.  In response, the Michigan legislature passed laws barring the practice and judges issued injunctions...

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United States v. Michael Flynn

At just 24 days, army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn's tenure as National Security Advisor is the shortest ever on record.  But he is far more notable for his three...

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United States v. Al Capone

Al Capone used fear and intimidation to rule the organized crime world of Chicago for much of the 1920s.  Yet despite all the blood on his hands and wake...

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United States v. Martin Shkreli (PharmaBro)

Martin Shkreli was labeled “what's wrong with capitalism in America” after increasing the cost of certain life-saving medication for HIV+/AIDS patients over 5000% percent.  He was universally reviled and...

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Florida v. George Zimmerman

On February 26, 2012 a local neighborhood watch coordinator in Sanford Florida by the name of George Zimmerman shot a 17 year old high school student named Trayvon Martin...

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Florida v. Casey Anthony

Was Casey Anthony a party girl who killed her own daughter so she could live a life free of responsibility?  Or was she a grieving mother whose past history...

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Introduction to In Summation

Welcome to the podcast!  In this introductory teaser episode Paul provides a bit of background on who he is and what this podcast is about.  In his career as...

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